
The Benefits Of Russian/Turkish Baths

Scientists have confirmed the healing properties of the Russian/Turkish Bath. Taken regularly, the Russian/Turkish bath is an excellent method of stress reductiondetoxificationrejuvenationimmune system stimulation and increased health and wellness.

While relaxing in a Russian/Turkish Bath, you are actually giving your inner body a workout. The humid heat of the Russian/Turkish Bath or steam room raises your body temperature, which makes the heart and other organs work harder to circulate blood. Your pores open as perspiration cools the body, releases toxins and conditions the skin simultaneously. Plunging into a cooling pool redirects the blood flow inward, gently massaging the internal organs and regulating the critical temperature of the body. Moving back and forth from heat to cool flushes toxins and generates fresher blood for better health.

141 Second Street Pike, Southampton, PA 18966

Phone: (215) 942-4646

russian bath | turkish bath

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